"Looking purely at the flowers, I consider these two large Lagenandra species to be the most beautiful of the family.
Unfortunately, they become really gigantic, too large for the small emersed garden, so they rarely find their way into our collection.
I tried them for a few years. But they not only need a lot of space, but also a lot of light and heat, which makes it hardly feasible in today's times.
They are planted in sandy substrate, in relatively small pots, so that the rhizomes can grow over the edge and the roots can reach the water from them.
L. toxicaria was named so before it was understood A species in this genus are poisonous.
L. praetermissa grew unnoticed in botanical gardens for a long time, because they can hardly be distinguished from the foliage alone. It was not until 1983 that de Wit described it as a new species.
Two treasures from the plant kingdom!" - Helge Donath, 2022